Thanksgiving Spa Day, at Home
Are you stuck at home this Thanksgiving? Make it a spa day to remember!
No plans for Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving conjures up images of family, food, and friends. But what if that’s not possible? This year my husband and I need to stay safer at home and can’t join the family gathering. He’ll be watching football all day, perhaps we’ll go for a walk, and there will be a turkey.
But what about me? I’m so excited about this – I’m going to enjoy a spa day, at home! If you too are stuck at home for a quiet Thanksgiving, here’s what to do. Start a new tradition: Thanksgiving Spa Day – at home!
Start a new tradition: Thanksgiving Spa Day – at home!
Most everything is closed on Thanksgiving so if you are used to going to a spa, it might take some adjusting of expectations to create a home spa occasion. Read on to learn how to be kind to yourself and create an experience you’ll remember – at home and on your own.
Look forward to Thanksgiving
Look forward to the holiday, and build pleasant anticipation, by thinking about what gives you that “ahhh!” feeling. Start with some pleasant self-reflection. What makes you smile? What relaxes you? What can you do at home?

What makes you smile?
What relaxes you?
What can you do at home?
Here are twenty five at-home-spa ideas to get your creativity started. You are your own guardian, so choose activities that are safe for you and for your household.
- Take bath or long shower
- Diffuse a gratitude blend or your personal favorite essential oil with cotton balls or diffuser
- Get artistic if that’s your thing
- Give yourself a pedicure.
- Give yourself a manicure.
- Enjoy a facial mask.
- Meditate on gratitude.
- Listen to your favorite music, soundscape music, or meditation music
- Dance as if no one is watching
- Cook and deliver food to your neighbors
- Lay down and put your legs up against the wall. Breathe deeply.
- Read. Get lost in a book.
- Start a gratitude journal.
- Go for a walk or a drive
- Read a poem by Joy Harjo
- Hold a personal prayer vigil
- Dig out your old exercise or yoga DVDs and move!
- Play a game online or get out the cards or dominos.
- Go outside to watch the sun set.
- Take three selfies (or more!)
- Offer a lovingkindness meditation.
- Start (or finish) a puzzle.
- Try new cosmetics.
- Try a new hairstyle.
- Chocolate. Need I say more?
Know you are loved; if you need help, call a hotline. 1-800-273-8255
Plan ahead
Start by picking a theme, just for the fun of it. Gratitude is a common theme at Thanksgiving. You can manifest your theme in any way. If gratitude is your theme, perhaps you plan gratitude activities, for example, a gratitude journal or writing thank you notes for kindnesses, or pause a few times during the day to consider what you are grateful for.
Continue on by setting your intention. Rejuvenation is a popular intention for spa experiences. Other popular themes are relaxation, pleasure, relief of physical, emotional, or spiritual pain, rest, and revitalization. State your intention often, something like, “My spa day is rejuvenating.” Check in with yourself several times during the day and ask, “Is what you are doing right now rejuvenating?” If yes, smile with satisfaction. If not, can you make it so?
Finish your planning efforts by gathering any ‘supplies’ you want to have on hand: flowers, essential oils, a new comfy spa robe, favorite foods, whatever you want.
What do you want to eat during your spa day?
Do you need to gather any groceries or supplies?
OR, don’t plan ahead!
Wake up on Thanksgiving and remember: “I can do anything I want today!” Be spontaneous. Remember what relaxes you. Remember what makes you smile. Remember to be kind to yourself!
You can do it!
You CAN create a spa day at home. The hardest part for most caregivers is to consider tending to themselves for a change. Many have forgotten what they enjoy.
On your home spa day, greet yourself and remember, “I can do anything I want today!” Stick with your plan, or be spontaneous. Enjoy what relaxes you and makes you smile. If someone or something detracts from your spa experience, tend to them then settle back into your personal spa experience by restating your intention.
On your home spa day, greet yourself and remember,
“I can do anything I want today!”
Stick with your plan, or be spontaneous.
Enjoy what relaxes you and makes you smile.
If someone or something detracts from your spa experience,
tend to them then settle back into your personal spa experience
by restating your intention.
On a very serious note, I know that for some people, the holidays can be very difficult, even seem impossible. If so, please reach out for help, and accept help. Here’s a link to online chat and a telephone number, if you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support. Call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or visit their website to start an online chat at
Be kind to yourself. Tend to your needs. Soothe yourself. Make your holiday at home an experience of extreme self-care. I will be doing the same.
In peace,
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Soothe yourself when you have had a difficult day, have too much on your plate, or perhaps are experiencing a period of intense change. You deserve it.
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